24/7 access to insights
Get a holistic view of your customers anytime, anywhere
Give your feed teams an easy-to-use tool where they can effortlessly see customer data from the feed mill or in the truck. Our mobile-friendly app and online platform integrate with leading ag ERPs, planning tools, and financing solutions, bringing grower information into one centralized place for all team members.
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9 out of 10
customers want an in-person and digital experience
more likely to cross-sell into other departments
Cultivate deeper relationships
Take action on new sales opportunities from across your business
Identify feed leads from the agronomy, grain, or energy team and easily share account notes to improve collaboration. Quickly send customized messages on your best prices to multiple growers at the same time.
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Put your data to work
Real-time access to feed sales, performance goals, and more
Create custom reports or goals in seconds to view your feed positions faster. Leverage dashboards to make more informed decisions and grow revenue.
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